(2022) Poetry In Motion
Featuring Olympic Bronze Medalist, Lisa Wilcox, and the Founder Of County Saddlery, Gene Freeze.
I had a fantastic time serving as the demonstration rider for the evenings invitation only gala. A special thank you to Liz Root Elliott for allowing me to use Riot (by R Johnson) for the demonstration. My incredible sponsor, Alltech, not only sent Heather Layton to give us some great nutritional information, but sponsored an ale tasting for the evening through their Lexington Brewing and Distilling Co. County Saddlery, the French Creek Equestrian Association, Equine Exchange, and McCauley's Feed made this event possible.
(2022) The County Derby (I) at Journey's End Farm
We had a fantastic time hosting our first Derby. A special thank you to our sponsors County Saddlery and Alltech!
The Derby course will combined show jumping elements in our rubber/synthetic blend outdoor jumping arena, then progressed to obstacles on our picturesque Grand Prix field.
Champagne, Scrims or Coolers (compliments of County Saddlery), County Backpacks, and apples - carrots for the winners. Alltech very generously sponsored ale that was greatly enjoyed by spectators and competitors alike. Thank you to Alltech's Lexington Brewing and Distilling Co.